Use this tool to generate your hashtags:
It will give you 3 types of hashtags as mentioned below:
Frequent – Use 4 to 6
Average – Use 8 to 12
Rare – Use 12 to 18
Total hashtags should be 30.
Please ensure you do not post more than 30, it will result in no caption.
Also, please keep space between 2 hashtags then only they will be considered as individual hashtags
Please make 15 to 20 sets of 30 hashtags.
Make 15 to 20 sets of 30 hashtags = each set will have 30 hashtags using the above Hashtag Generator and Hashtag Counter
Please make a WhatsApp group with yourself or with the key team members who are given the access of posting on your social media especially Instagram and Facebook.
Copy only the 30 hashtags and paste them into the message in the WhatsApp group without any other text around it.
You can write a description below the message containing the 30 hashtags for which type of post you want to use them.
So now when you make a Reel/post on Instagram you have your hashtags ready beforehand. Just copy-paste it from the WhatsApp Group made exclusively for this purpose.
Do not allow any other communication to be done in this group.

I hope this trick will help you to easily have your hashtags ready when you need them while posting on Instagram or Facebook. Share it with the amazing content creators out there in your circle.
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